SDT ULTRAChecker – Check Everything

The SDT ULTRAChecker is an ultrasound solution designed to find compressed air leaks, find vacuum leaks as well as detect under-greased and over-greased bearings and find failed steam traps.
Convert the measurement to flow rates with the SDT LEAKReporter, a free App for iOS and Android. SDT LEAK Reporter, ultrasound leak detection tool generates reports and archives your leak data to the cloud.
The ULTRAChecker comes with ultrasound sensors for both airborne and structure-borne applications.
The SDT ULTRAChecker covers all airborne and structure-borne ultrasound applications. Connect any SDT 2nd generation ultrasound sensor. ULTRAChecker delivers end-to-end reliability through the 8 application pillars of ultrasound.
ULTRAChecker is the easiest to use detector we’ve ever created. Every push on its simple, 4-button keypad is displayed on its clear, color display. Increase or decrease signal amplification while maintaining safe listening levels through volume-controlled headphones.
Air leaks, over-greased bearings, failed steam traps, electrical faults, passing valves, the ULTRAChecker finds them all. Built with SDT quality, it’s offered at a price that will leave you speechless.